What a weekend! - Trip to Kuduremukha
After the CSTP proficiency evaluation we had in our company, I really wanted a break. A break away from all the tensions, worries and busy city life. On Friday, one of my friend Girish came up with an idea.. “How about a trip?”. Well, this was something I was looking for and I readily agreed. But, it was such a short notice for all that I doubted about the execution of plan. It was 11 AM and we were not in a position to waste any time. Surprisingly, we could gather people beyond our expectation! At first it looked as if a car like, sumo or Scorpio would be sufficient. But soon, we had 14 members ready for the one-day outing, and so we had to arrange for a 15-seater cab... The next important thing we had in front of us was the place... “Where to go?” For one day, we had no much choice and kudremukha – Hanuman gundi looked feasible. Everything was planned within 2 hours and luckily we could also book a cab through one of my dad's friend. We decided to meet the next morning at 7.3...