So close… Yet survived! (Part_1)

1st July 2009, I will never forget this day…
It was 7.30PM, So me and my akka (my colleague, who is like my elder sis) were about to leave office for the day. Usually, we both leave office at the same time and I give her a drop till the place where she stays – which is on the way to mine. It was raining heavily that day. So, I was happy due to the pleasant environment and cool weather. We reached the main entrance and soon we realized that it is not going to stop raining. We waited for a while and then she said she’ll take the company cab.
I wore my jacket and then the helmet, sat on my bike… <..kick> Nop, it didn’t start… Tried again… <..Kick>… After getting wet the whole day, my bike seemed to have caught heavy cold, so it refused to start until I gave a little choke… Each time I kicked, my bike made some sort of noise as if it was coughing. Finally after several kicks, it started… Phew…
The rain accompanied by the winds was pleasant to watch but I was having difficulty in locating the humps and pits on the road. The rain drops on the windshield of my helmet made it even more difficult. I decided to take the inner root from Ambagilu. It was a nice new 4 way road with dividers… As usual there were less vehicles and I slowly increased my speed. I was half way through when I suddenly spotted someone coming from the other side pushing his bike towards me… That’s correct; he was coming on the wrong side of the road... I wasn't sure why I didn't saw him coming from a distance where I could get some time to react… May be the rain, or the droplets on the windshield of my helmet made it look that way… I was riding with some speed may be around 50 km/h… There was literally no time for applying breaks and I had little time to decide… As any biker would do, I tried my best to avoid the danger… I could avoid hitting my bike straight to the person but while doing so, his hands collided with mine and I was off balance… The road was wet, the tires of my bikes were 2 years old (it was quiet flat)…
<…Slow motion…>
Soon after the collision, my bike threw me aside… for a fraction of second I was flying before hitting the ground so hard... I closed my eyes… The speed at which I was travelling dragged me a little far, not on wheels but on my(body)self… I could feel the rough road hitting my hands, shoulders, legs… Only thing I could hear was the sound of my helmet getting beaten by the ground… I don’t remember how it dragged me through… I was helpless, couldn't resist myself from that strange ride on nothing but my body weight!! My body rolled a couple of times in between and then it stopped. I couldn't breathe properly for a while…
<…End of slow motion…>



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