Random Thoughts!

Image courtesy by ayoungwomansexpressions

I know it has been long time since I wrote my last post except for those word’less’ pics. Certain things happen in life and it takes some time to come out. Plus, not getting enough time in office now-a-days to even read one or two posts of my fellow bloggers. So, I am writing today without having any topic in my mind. If you are brave enough to read my blabbering, you can proceed. Else I would suggest you to stop here :) Coz I really don’t know what I am typing today and I don’t think I will even read it again or review. So, <I am actually blank here and wondering what to write!>

Ok, so… as I was telling certain things happen in life. Well, there is nothing new in this. But you see, sometimes it really gives you a shock even though you are not in contact with a live electric wire! Yup. It happened. However, I have decided not to take it further here. Looking at the bright side of life is not always as easy as it sound. I have realized it many times and I think it’s true. Things happen for a reason – even this statement makes me think at times – does everything really happen for a ‘reason’?

Anyway, coming out this topic, let me think what else is happening in life. Hmmm, more or the less - same routine. Just that I have grown a little more lazy than before due to December cold in Bangalore. Night seems to be very small every day. Every morning I get up thinking - I want to make the best out of this day. Then the same question comes back to me at the end of the day – like in that royal stag advertisement… Have I made it large? Or at - least big? Or even medium?

The best part of the day – is when I spend some time with myself in the Cab on the way towards my office. Initially, I used to hate travelling so much. Now, I don’t know why, I am kind of liking it.  I was even getting disturbed from those RJ’s of different radio stations. But now, I am used to it. This is when my mind gets wild, weird, stupid, mad, insane (you can add more to the list) things. I prefer to be in my own world @ this time. It does give me some sort of strange happiness. The other time is when I go home after work – to find my wife making faces at the door – looking at me with that huge smile :) Well, it can go wrong at times – if she is not in a good mood. But then you see, it’s always good to have someone who can take you away from the hustle-bustle of daily chores. Someone who can talk endless – especially when the other (it’s me in this case) who cannot speak that much.

I do miss my parents at times. Ok, most of the time. I am sure, it’s the same with them. I don’t know why some people think it is silly. I mean, you are grown up now and you still miss your parents!? Well, I would say – either they are fools or they are cowards who don’t admit! It has been 1 year since I am in Bangalore on my own (of course with my wife). Wow! That is indeed some sort of achievement for me. I mean, I always wanted to be on my own for some time, to face the ‘real’ part of life. That too, being married at the early age (well, 25 isn’t too early! But.. you know). So, completing one year looking after myself & my wife (who is almost 8 months old.. as my wife ;) ), deserves a pat on the back!? I know it’s not a big deal :) ..

Hmmm.. So, I’ve come to an end of my random post. Wow! I wrote almost a page out of nothing! Now that deserves a pat on the back or rotten tomatoes on my face – only you brave readers who completed the post even after the disclaimer can tell :)
Ok then my dear blog & my dear readers, will come back soon. Until then, C ya & take care… 


  1. You know what I like about random posts, they are straight from heart. No manipulations, just what the author is. Who doesn't miss their parents?

    I liked this post. Write as often as you can...:)

  2. Saru jee, when I saw one comment on my post, I knew it was you :) Thank you for not opting the rotten tomatoes ;) .. Sure will try to write more often... And I always want to be the same - 'first commentor' on your posts.. Somehow not able to do that... Thanks again for liking the post :)

  3. When things happen whether good or bad, its best to share.. Not that the problem will be solved, but at least the burden will be less... The people who care for you will advice and correct you, the people who are smart will tell you how to look forward in life, the not so smart will pinch you with harsh words, which will only make you cautious in future... and if you are lucky you can find all the above in one person...

    I know that things are difficult than they sound, but until you realize and know what is good or bad, the rest should not matter...

    You are lucky to have a some time for yourself and a great partner to talk each day!! Very few get such things..

    Be happy and positive.. Things will fall in right place.. Give time some time.. ;)

    P.S: Random posts deserves a random comment ;)

  4. @Devidas - :) Thanks for the random comments.. Loved it..
    And the 'thing', well it has been shared, but I felt it would be better not to share in my blog :) And yup.. I do feel that I am lucky in many ways..

    I wasn't complaining about anything.. Coz, I have realized that in life, few things are in our control and few are not.. and when such things do happen - the best way is to keep your cool and switch on the 'damage control' mode.. ;) I followed the same.. and fortunately, so far it is working..

    And being happy & positive -- well I have changed my perspective about this line, it isn't possible all the time.. we can try.. but it isn't the way it sounds.. that is why I have been saying all these days.. Happiness is something that we all are in pursuit of...


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