Weird Dreams!

Have you ever had a wild, strange dream? I am not talking about those which you see or visualize with your eyes wide open. Or when you are practically awake. I am talking about those which gets premiered inside your brain when you are into deep sleep. They say, even when we are asleep, sub conscious mind keeps working. I don’t want to get into the technicality as to how do we actually get such interesting or sometime scary or even ridiculous dreams that may or may not make any sense! But even then, I am amazed by the sheer power of our mind – which writes its own script, screenplay, uses the real life characters and sometimes even adds its own specimen’s with wonderful / scary background which can be existing or derived from what is present. At times, I feel that our subconscious mind is a civil engineer. You see it can capture the places that we have visited, stores the design of buildings or monuments that we have seen in real or TV. And then while we are asleep ...